Research in Education


Education refers to the expansion, enhancement or enlightenment of one’s own ideas, skills, knowledge, creativity or experience in order to sustain a better life for himself or the community or the environment. Therefore, education is most important in today’s world to make it a better place. Though the education may be of many kinds but the ultimate agenda of these is to learn from the previous attributes, topics, subjects or traits and to expand them simultaneously. Education can be directly linked to growth in a field. However, only education can never lead to the growth of any individual or a nation. Research and education must go hand-in-hand to achieve the goals.

Though there have been many definitions of research according to different scientists but according to SHODH GANGA, ‘Research’ refers to “a scientific investigation of finding solutions to technical and social problems through objective and systematic analysis. It is a search for knowledge, that is, a discovery of hidden truths.” This statement clearly establishes the relationship between research and education. The motive of research is to intensify the education in different fields.

In simpler words the country with the most powerful research background has best education, and the country with high education emphasise on researches. These two will always go hand-in-hand with each other. India has always been one of the countries with numerous researches. Ages ago, our ancestors believed that research is most important for the growth of our country, but with the passage of time there was a great decline in the field of research. To tackle this Indian government has decided to introduce the undergraduate research programme in higher education which is a great initiative to engage students of India to understand the pattern, motive and profits of research.

Not, many people know that PINGALA in his book ‘Chandahshahtra’ described the binary system which is used by every digital machine nowadays. Along with this there were many scientists who researched and discovered things such as algorithms, zero, smelting of zinc, plastic surgery and cataract surgery (Sushruta Samhita book), ayurveda, chess, basmati rice fibre optics and what not. These things are still used till date. There was always encouragement of research scholars in ancient India that is in the period of emperors and rulers. With the passage of time research scholars declined due to shortage of financial ad motivational encouragement which abruptly decreased researches in India and that affected our position in developing.       

In simpler words research is the key to better education and education is the key to develop a country. If a country wants to have a better education system, that country has to emphasise on the research. Researches will not only broaden the material of study but also provide a door for further study, research, improvising and best opted results. Syllabuses are provided with the old hypothesis, theories and laws so as to expand the area of focus of a related subject.

 Research has been the back support of the education. New theories evolve and then they are added to the syllabus which keeps the study material updated. Research indirectly contributes to globalisation and economic growth. Sadly, the truth is education system has become one of the biggest businesses in the world. So, not only the research but the education also contributes to the economic growth of a country.

Countries are able to access internet which has enabled students to learn from the previous ideas and verify their results through the internet. People across the world, help each other in building research ideas. Many research practices are still going on in the world at this moment. There have been many ideas on which the researches are going-on even though the results have been zero, for e.g. teleporting, time travelling etc. But, we never know one day our upcoming generations may be studying about these researches in their textbooks and may be someone could find the end of the universe by these methods. Things that are practically impossible now and sound hypothetical may be a part of education in the upcoming era.

What is the use of that research, if one does the research and keeps it to himself? That will be of no use. The research can only be used at its maximum if it is utilised by ample amount of people. The syllabuses should be provided with a subject that deals with the latest researches that are going across the world to let the students think out of the box. Our education system is single tracked. The students are provided with the old syllabus that had been the same since ages with a very few changes. This had led to no or very less increase in the field of research. When kids won’t be allowed to think out of the box, they won't be able to develop the skill of research. Research results are mostly unplanned and therefore one should not be having boundaries in their mindset to have result as they expect. Sadly, our education syllabuses are provided with the same outcomes, so, that decreases the value of research skill in the students. These kinds of skills can be developed only when the students are influenced by the profits and pros of it. The education system has to make the students believe that their ideas in field of research can bring about a change in world. Indian mentality ‘one cannot bring about a change in the society’ is the worst drawback in the Indian research system. However, there have been several people who have proved this ideology wrong and written their names in golden words in the history of research.

via : my old a/c


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